Hi Akid, I hope your knowledge about TTATT increases in 2019 and that your exit is as painless as it should be.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Same Talks Again and Again
by Akid48 inhey i’m back i know it’s been a long time since i’ve posted on the form but a lot things have been happening so i haven’t had much time to post.. ive been 14 for awhile now makes me happy because i’m getting closer to being able to get a job and work my way out of this.. i have meetings on saturdays now which is horrible because i rather have it on sunday because it’s already a sad day because i got to go to school the next day.three of our public talks have had different brothers saying the same thing talking about the signs of the end days.the thing that gets me is when they always try and bank on the earthquake part i mean i’m really into science so i already knew a lot about plate tectonics sea floor spreading etc but you get taught this in school.with plates always moving divergent convergent transform etc there will be earthquakes it’s the effect of plates moving against or rubing on each or going back into the mantle(subduction zones) it happens.so when there’s a report in japan of a lot of earthquakes it must be the end times!no japan is located on four plates it’s going to experience big earthquakes.. i don’t know that just gets under my skins when they try and say it’s the end days because of the earth having natural things happen like plate tectonics is something that’s been happening recently no we might have gotten our hands on the technology to spot earthquakes recently but this has been happening for millions of years.. speaking of years i hope you all have a great 2019 and i’ll definitely post more of my thoughts this year..
Saying hello again
by EdenOne injust saying i’m still alive and greeting everyone, veterans and newcomers to this forum.. 2018 was a year with a lot of turmoil in my life; me and my wife separated, then reunited months later, and spent the second half of the year healing the emotional wounds from that episode.
that, along with a record year in terms of my business meant that choices had to be made regarding my time, and i decided to focus on my marriage instead of other endeavours.
it seemed to have paid off.
The Fall Guy
Welcome back Eden. It's good to hear that you and your wife have not allowed the org's indoctrination to split you up. Have an even better year in 2019.
Elders: Which legal office?
by betterdaze inthere are two legal offices listed on the jw.org website.. united stateswatchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.office of the general counsel100 watchtower drivepatterson ny 12563-9204united states+1 [email protected].
world headquartersjehovah’s witnesses, office of the general counsel1 kings drivetuxedo park ny 10987-5500united states+1 [email protected].
to which location does one report child abusers and their enablers?
The Fall Guy
Don't be silly betterdaze.
Elders claim to have clergy-penitent privilege, so ethically & legally, they can't share any confessional information with a third-party such as a "legal department." Or can they? Maybe just with their wives.
Hey Governing Body, if you're not too busy.....
by The Fall Guy in.....can you clarify one of your doctrines for me?.
re chap.
27 p. 178 par.
The Fall Guy
Dearyweather - this is the org's get-out-of-jail-free card:
Later in this vision, we are informed that Satan expresses his rage toward the woman by persecuting her seed. (Revelation 12:17) What happens to the woman’s seed here on earth may be regarded as happening to the woman herself.
The cult is notorious for using double-speak to cover up their corruptions of what is actually said in scriptures. Revelation 12:6 explicitly says, "And the woman fled into the wilderness..."
It does not say - or infer - "And the woman's seed/earthly children/remnant fled into the wilderness..."
They should change their denominational name to Janus Witnesses - two-faced!
Hey Governing Body, if you're not too busy.....
by The Fall Guy in.....can you clarify one of your doctrines for me?.
re chap.
27 p. 178 par.
The Fall Guy
.....can you clarify one of your doctrines for me?
You say that the "woman" in Revelation 12 is God's heavenly organization - comprising all of the angels:
re chap. 27 p. 178 par. 6 - "What a fitting symbol of Jehovah’s magnificent heavenly organization!" pe chap. 13 p. 117 par. 13 - “The woman,” therefore, represents God’s organization of faithful heavenly creatures. it-2 p. 187 - It would follow that the “woman” is God’s “wife,” the “Jerusalem above,”
But Revelation 12:6 says "..the woman fled into the wilderness, (away from the dragon!) where she has a place prepared by God and where they would feed her for 1,260 days."
So let me get this straight: you're saying that myriads of God's angels did an impersonation of Usain Bolt and ran off in the other direction when confronted by lil' ol' Satan???
Sheesh! Looks like 2019 might be a good time for a "new light" on this one.
Capitalizing names
by john.prestor injust a random thought here but does anyone else notice than when the name "elder" or "circuit overseer" appears in the organization's magazines and books they're always lower case even though they're proper nouns and should be elder and circuit overseer... but branch committee member, governing body helper, governing body member, they get to be capitalized.
another subtle indication of how the governing body and other high-ranking elites see themselves, i think.
The Fall Guy
Watchtower February 2017, pars. 12,13 pp. 26,27
12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the WatchTower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments [aka rejections/reversals] in our Scriptural understanding [aka interpretation] since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. So how can we answer Jesus’ question: “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?” (Matt. 24:45) What evidence is there that the Governing Body is filling that role? (None whatsoever!) Let us consider the same three factors that directed the governing body in the first century.
13 Evidence of holy spirit.* The holy spirit has helped the (present) Governing Body to grasp Scriptural truths not previously understood. (by Russell, by Rutherford, by Knorr, or by Franz) For example, reflect on the list of beliefs clarified (reversed) that was referred to in the preceding paragraph. Surely, no human deserves credit for discovering and explaining these “deep things of
Godthe org! The Governing Body echoes the apostle Paul, who wrote: “These things we also speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit.” (1 Cor. 2:13) After centuries of apostasy and spiritual darkness, can anything other than holy spirit explain the rapid increase in spiritual understanding since 1919?" (Money, maybe?)* w62 12/15 p. 762 We Need Jehovah’s Organization - "The care of God’s organization today is not in the hands of men who are inspired by God. They can make mistakes as any imperfect man can."
So exactly what/who is inspiring them, and why would anyone trust them?
2 BOE's--Atlantis!
by Atlantis inone of these boes is ( old news ), the london letter on the annual totals, and the other concerns pioneering in 2019. just for your records.. .
The Fall Guy
Many thanks Atlantis.
Have a good 2019.
April 2019 Watchtower article 'Uphold the TRUTH about death'
by Listener init appears this study article has been written because the organization is still having trouble teaching african jws that they are not to follow their traditional customs when someone dies and not to believe in spirits.it has been speculated for some time that it is african jws that have attributed to the increase in 'anointed' partakers.interestingly, no-where in this article does it even mention their two class system and the anointed having a heavenly hope.
it is amazing that they title the article as upholding the truth about death and fail to mention their two hope doctrine.the following are some quotes -.
satan, “the father of the lie,” has deceived people since the start of human history.
The Fall Guy
Par 3, p. 2 - If our circumstances limit the amount of time we can spend in Jehovah’s service, we should not feel discouraged. Jesus knew that not every one of us would be able to produce the same amount of Kingdom fruitage.
So Kingdom fruitage is defined as time - time spent recruiting for a money-making cult? Ahhh, trolley-time!
And here was I thinking it was something totally different: Galatians 5:22, 23 - "the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control."
2019 Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize...
by The Fall Guy in...for being out-standing in his field!.
The Fall Guy
...for being out-standing in his field!
UK migrant "crisis"
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46725343.
"writing on twitter on sunday, labour leader jeremy corbyn said: "we have a duty to reach out the hand of humanity, support and friendship to people who are in danger and seeking a place of safety.".
yes jeremy, i know exactly what you mean: i was in france on holiday a few years ago, and the lack of humanity & friendship from those frenchies really made me feel that i was in danger.
The Fall Guy
If a "refugee" has fled to a safe country (Greece, France, Italy, etc.) and then tries to carry on to another country, they are to all intents & purposes personally redefining their status to that of an economic migrant, and should be treated as such.
However, the EU has a wonderful "open-door" law which states that "asylum seekers have no legal duty to claim asylum in the first EU state they reach."
It's no wonder that economic migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq are journeying through numerous safe countries in order to reach the English channel.
The threat of automatic deportation back to their country of origin would be a good incentive for them to settle in the country which initially grants them the "asylum" which they allegedly need.
Greece, Italy, & Malta would then try and force the EU to review its refugee policies.